Treating Sun Spots or Pigmentation

Having trouble with sun spots or pigmentation? The newest line from Image Skincare: Iluma, offers a brand new technology to lighten pigmentation! It uses Vectorize Technology which allows proven active ingredients to slowly release into the skin, for an effect that keeps working 48 hours after application. Come in to Urban Retreat to learn more! […]
Top 5 Reasons to Get A Pedicure
With spring we’re getting into sandal weather which is a great time to get a pedicure! Here are 5 reasons to get a pedicure… 1. The Massage Chairs. Pedicures aren’t just about your feet; pedicures are a total relaxation experience. Slip those toes into warm water, and ease your back into a rumbling, rubbing, leather […]
Quick & Easy Tip for Dry Skin

Long, hot showers are soothing, but they sap the oils from your skin. Try shorter baths with warm water and be sure to add moisturizer afterwards to help trap in additional moisture in your skin. > Thank you to Beauty Through Balance for providing this fabulous tip!
Jane Iredale’s Virtual Makeover iPad App

Let your inner makeup artist shine with the NEW jane iredale virtual makeover iPad app! Upload your photo and create a beautiful look using your favorite jane iredale colors, or experiment with new colors all with just a few swipes of your finger. Easily share your new look through e-mail or with your friends on […]
Safeguard Your Skin Against Our Alberta Weather

If it’s time to pull out your winter woolies, it’s time to pull out your skincare “Big Guns”. After cleansing in the morning with a gentle cleanser, while using warm and not hot water, apply a deep penetrating serum. Use a product that contains hyaluronic acid (an ingredient that holds 1000 times it’s weight in […]
Natural Solutions for Oily/Greasy Skin

Do you have oily/greasy skin? This skin condition can worsen during the summer months and create issues such as blackheads/whiteheads and acne. This skin type occurs due to an excess of sebum production and it can be a challenge to find products that actually work. Products on the market designed for this skin type are often harsh […]
Home Facial

It’s a little overcast and rainy today in Vancouver, a great day to take some time for a Sunday skin care regime! An at home facial steam is a great way to purify and detoxify the skin and it also helps to promote calm and anti-stress from the aromatherapy. Fill a bowl with boiled water […]
Skincare and the Sun – Jane Iredale

Some helpful information from Jane Iredale on skincare and the sun. Read More.
Summer Proof your Children’s Skin

Sunshine is finally here! Here are some great tips on how to protect your kids from sun damage. Click here to learn more
Videos: Skin Through The Ages

Learn great tips from Dermalogica’s “Skin Through the Ages” videos for having radiant skin at any age. Click on the appropriate video below. Skin through the ages: 20s Skin through the ages: 30s Skin through the ages: 40s Skin through the ages: 50s