Top 5 Reasons to Get A Pedicure

With spring we’re getting into sandal weather which is a great time to get a pedicure!  Here are 5 reasons to get a pedicure…

1. The Massage Chairs. Pedicures aren’t just about your feet; pedicures are a total relaxation experience. Slip those toes into warm water, and ease your back into a rumbling, rubbing, leather chair of pleasure while your cares get scrubbed away. It’s easy to get drowsy in the chair, or even to drift off during a pedicure. An experienced attendant won’t bother you when you’re in your bliss, but will simply tap your foot lightly to let you know that it’s time to put it in, or take it out, of the water. Considering the cost of a real massage, a pedicure is a fantastic deal and when you leave the salon, you won’t just have gorgeous toes–you’ll feel rejuvenated.

2. It’s Sandal Weather. You probably have an adorable pair of sandals that you want to show off this summer. If so, don’t mar the view with unsightly toes. A little clipping and polishing will make all the difference. Your foot will look daintier and more feminine after a pedicure, and even the homeliest sandal will look dressier because of it.

3. It’s Safer Than A HairCut. If you’re the type who likes to experiment with your look, you probably have a history of hair cut disasters in your past. The best thing about a pedicure? If you hate it, you can just wipe it off with a bit of acetone. It’s the perfect beauty treatment for the commitment-phobic, and will allow the more timid amongst us to experiment and go wild.

4. A Wide Array of Nail Polish. You could pick out your favorite polish in the store, but what if you get sick of it? How many of us really want to have our toes look the same all summer long? If you go into a pedicure shop, you can choose from a rainbow of shades, and many salons will let you try your color out before you put that hue on your toenails. Try that at the local cosmetic shop!

5. You Could Do It Yourself, But You Won’t. Let’s face it, we all think we could give ourselves a pedicure. How hard can it be? Some polish, a little scrubbing, and a warm tub of water. Heck, they even sell little pedicure home-spas now, with internal heaters. But we all know the truth. We don’t relish the idea of getting out all the equipment and sloshing water across our bathroom floor, only to have to spend fifteen minutes contorted over the garbage can while trying to get the right angle to clip our toenails. Pedicures are supposed to be relaxing. Pedicures are a way of waking up exhausted feet, and putting a spring in your step. Fundamentally, it’s an exercise in pampering, so unless you have a pedicurist who lives under your bathroom sink, save the storage space and cough up the twenty bucks to have it done by a professional.

Go with a french pedicure if you’re a traditionalist. Try neon green for your vacation if you’re not. Whatever color you choose, if you get a pedicure, you’re sure to be wriggling your toes by the pool one day with glee.

– Original Article by Stephanie Dray, posted on Yahoo July 2007

> Learn more about Urban Retreat manicures & pedicures or call us at 780.481.2414 to book an appointment.

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Address: 6841 170 Street, Edmonton, AB

Monday to Friday: 9 am – 9 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday: Closed

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